Current State

OpenStack platform is no more used nor maintained at Cersat. We consider this solution really heavy considering our simple needs, and other more simpler solutions were more appropriate in our case.

We switched in 20xx to a homemade solution based on the well known "chroot" command. In a near future, we expect to migrate to Docker for better interoperatibility with our partners.

TODO : mettre un lien décrivant la solution chroot


Main usage is detailed in IAAS/PAAS at Cersat

TODO : faire un article vers IAAS ?


Dire en gros :

  • quelles ont été nos difficultés
    • manque de maturité
    • pas concu pour répondre au besoin de traitement distribué performant (ex: kvm, reseau 100Mbits, gateway entre noeuds ...)
  • quels étaient les inconvénients de la solution

Indiquer les versions utilisées et pbs éventuels.

OpenStack architecture : this may explain why we failed mastering openstack ;-)


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